
Learning About How Bakeries Operate

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Learning About How Bakeries Operate

Hi there, my name is William Finch. Welcome to my website about bakeries. When I was learning how to cook for myself, I used my free time to practice my baking skills. Baking was particularly difficult due to the need to follow the recipes exactly as they are written. To perfect my skills in this realm, I had to practice each type of baked goods dozens of times or more. On this site, I want to talk about the large-scale operations used to fill bakeries with top-notch baked goods. Please feel free to visit my site every day to learn more.


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How To Plan A Field Trip To The Bakery For Your Home School Group

Are you a parent who decided to home school your children? If so, you have probably discovered that the world is your curriculum. Of course, learning from books is a wonderful thing. However, you've surely realized that a lot can be learned from going to places right in your community. If you have decided to join other families for a field trip to a local bakery like Champion Bakery Inc., here are some ideas that will make the outing both fun and educational.

Organizing Your Group - The anticipation can be part of the fun for the kids going on a field trip. 

  • Put the word out in a fun way. For example, let your own children design an invitation that will go through the mail. One idea is to create cupcakes out of colored construction paper and to put all the information right on the cupcake. 
  • Be sure to let the bakery know exactly which day you'll be there, and give them a time that your group will arrive. It will be helpful, too, for the bakery manager to know how many of you will be visiting the facility.
  • If your group is a large one, consider going on your bakery field trip together. Besides saving money on gasoline, the trip will probably be more fun for the kids.

The Actual Field Trip - Work with the manager of the bakery so that your field trip will go smoothly.

  • Find out if your group will be allowed to go behind the scenes so that you can all watch professionals do the baking. If that can happen, your kids will learn how things like breads and cakes are made on a large scale. That's where the measuring lessons can be learned in a different way.
  • By calling ahead of time, special arrangements might be made for your group. For example, you might be lucky enough to get to decorate your own little cupcakes or cookies.
  • While you're at it, consider taking home some freshly baked bread so that you and the others can have a picnic and make your own sandwiches. Think of making assignments for people to bring things like sliced ham, turkey, cheese and other goodies to have with your sandwiches.

Think about getting all of the home-schooled children to write a thank you note to the bakery manager. Have them write down things they learned while they were at the facility.